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Monthly Briefing June - July 2021

Earnings season has kicked off

Earnings season has kicked off And it might be just what the financial markets need indeed, investors are constantly worried about inflation, the Delta variant or Central Banks’ potential tightening measures though one step backward is quite always compensated by...

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Monthly Briefing April - May 2021

Seeking for Return Desperately

Q1 earnings have been terrific in the USA though it looks like good news and recovery are already priced in and for perfection At the same time, the desperation of investors to garner any real return is driving indexes higher...

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Monthly Briefing March 2021

Most U.S. earnings for Q4 2020 are now in: two third reported earnings beat consensus by one standard deviation

Most U.S. earnings for Q4 2020 are now in: two third reported earnings beat consensus by one standard deviation or more (that's a lot!). This is the second best reading in 23 years

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Monthly Briefing February 2021

When the house burns, who is coming to our rescue?

When the house burns, who is coming to our rescue The firemen When a government can't agree on how to spend generous grants (hard to believe, isn’t it who do we turn to?

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Monthly Briefing October 2020

A step forward, a step backward

"A step forward, a step backward", that's a good way to depict how we had to ride September markets : due to a lack of visibility regarding economic, political and sanitary situation, there was a mixed envy of buying and...

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Monthly Briefing September 2020

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd

August just saw records after records, on US indexes (loaded with tech companies – which is not the case in Europe – this is why European indexes are lagging behind their US peers). It seems that negative real rates are...

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August 2020

Global stock markets are in levitation like the GAFAM group

If you are listening to the media a distracted way, you may think that global stock markets are in levitation like the GAFAM group (Google, Amazon, Facebook etc) and that all goes for the best with risky assets. But beyond...

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July 2020

Stock markest rising at a time of one of the worst recessions in history

Why is the stock market rising at a time of one of the worst recessions in history? The cost and socio-economic consequences of fighting coronavirus are absolutely gigantic and unprecedented. More than 10 million people are now affected by Covid-...

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Juin 2020

Sell in May and Go Away

«Sell in May and Go Away» : raté pour cette année, pourtant on a failli y croire ! En effet, on a le sentiment, depuis quelques jours, que plus rien ne peut arrêter les marchés actions, que la reprise est...

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April - May 2020

Après la grande capitulation, la grande déconnexion!

En à peine quelques semaines courant mars, l’économie américaine est passée de la plus grande expansion de l’histoire à la plus forte récession en temps de paix – ce scénario noir étant devenu planétaire. La réponse des gouvernements et des...

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February - March 2020

Agenda d’une correction annoncée

«Nous voilà à l’aune du 20ème anniversaire de l’éclatement de la bulle internet, et en ces temps mouvementés sur les marchés financiers, il est difficile de ne pas repenser aux excès des années 2000. En effet, nous avons assisté jusqu’à...

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January 2020

Auspices volatils

Ce début d'année a démarré sous des auspices volatils, prenant à contre-pied tant les bulls que les bears. En effet, les tensions début janvier entre USA et Iran, l'épidémie du coronavirus en Chine et la publication des résultats du T4...

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December 2019

Le Rallye des Merveilles

En octobre dernier, nous faisions référence à l’hypothèse du meilleur des mondes. Et bien voilà chose quasi faite ! Le mois de décembre a offert aux investisseurs « Le Rallye des Merveilles », toutes classes d’actifs confondues, avec la disparition...

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